Although as a Contract Labour Hire Company the managing and enforcement of this system can provide a different challenge, our policy states that we will ‘Promote an environment in which safety and health is considered to be a part of the normal work environment’.
This outlines that although we may not have total control over every workplace and environmental issues, we will educate and administer our field team members to the best of our ability in the essence of working in a safe environment.
As part of the statutory requirements for recording and reporting safety statistics within the workplace, Benchmark Recruitment maintains a database of all incidents/accidents that occur.

In saying this, it is our goal to focus on the positive safety indicators such as the number of incident reports Vs the time required to investigate and close out the investigation. Toolbox meetings, Site inspections, Safety Auditing and the development of KPI’s can be introduced as part of our ‘Value Added’ service. Because of the diverse range of industries that Benchmark provide staff to, it is essential that we cover a vast range of safety issues prior to our FTM’s being employed. All personnel working for Benchmark Recruitment will attend an interview prior to commencing work.
In the mining industry it is commonly heard that “safety is good business”. We are keen to promote the fact that “good health is also good business”. The management system we have adopted requires all of us to identify our own areas of responsibility for managing health and safety issues in our area of work. In the event of a conflict emerging between the achievement of business and safety objectives, we are encouraged and supported in making sure that safety comes first.
When safety incidents do occur, they are analysed in great detail to assess the future likelihood of them recurring, to prevent them recurring and to ensure that we sign off on our legal and statutory obligations.
During the Benchmark Recruitment induction each employee is examined and interviewed to determine his/her understanding and capability for the work required. Prior experiences and inductions will be considered to assess competency in the tasks for which the employee is applying.
The induction courses (Perth and site) are conducted by a Benchmark representative and can be assisted by the Safety Manager. Where the client has a specific induction requirement, arrangements can be made for our FTM’s to complete the induction whether on site or not.
These shall include but not be limited to:
- General Duty of Care
- Safety and Health Policy
- Safety responsibilities
- Emergency response procedures
- Substance Abuse and AlcoholPolicy – Fit for Work
- Environmental concerns and activities
- Site hazards
- Manual Handling
- The tasks, which are to be performedby the employee
- Site specific rules and regulations
- Incident/ accident/ injury andhazard reporting
- Personal protective equipmentrequirements (PPE)
- Hazards
- Symbols and signs
- Supervision and reporting lines
- Safe Work Procedures in place
- Safety and Health management
- Work instructions for controlling risk
- Accidents and emergencies
- Rights and responsibilities